#29- Trusting Yourself & Awakening Potential with Kara Mosher


Have you ever met a star seed? Someone who’s purpose is to WAKE UP the world to beauty that we hold inside of ourselves and our connection to spirit. Kara Mosher is one of these wonderful people. After suffering from years of being put under Big Pharma’s control as part of a misdiagnosis, she is finally AWAKE and sharing her light with us all. Please welcome our new friend Kara Mosher.

***OUR SHOW***

Welcome to False Reality Check, a podcast hosted by a husband and wife. Featured in this podcast are episodes diving into deep topics like consciousness, spirituality, the nature of reality, society, culture, personal growth and others. 

If you’re interested in unique perspectives and raw, uncensored discussion with real free-thinking individuals, this is the right podcast for you. We don’t tell you what you want to hear, we tell you what you need to hear.



Kara’s Playlist:

Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/HereComesTroublexo

Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/KaraHelenMosher

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/herecomestroublexo/


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Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/false-reality-check/id1572054836

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Closing Music: Mezhdunami – Uncut gems